Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Robinson Trip 09'

Cracker got attacked by my Dad's cat. Cracker tried to play with it. The cat freaked out and attacked her. Then.....

The cat attacked me. This is the right leg cat bite.

This is the left leg cat bite. (Look at the bruise)

Rich, Dad, Me, Cracker, Richie, Gracie.

Daddy playing guitar for us.

The deck. Dad, Rich and Dezi.

Cracker's parents. Mom Butter (black one) and Dad Peanut. Cracker definitely takes after her Daddy.

This is Peanut. Cracker's Daddy.

This is Butter. Cracker's Mommy.

This is Gracie antagonizing Dillon and holding up the slide until she got yelled at

This is Aunt Lois, Dad and Rich.

This is Rich and Uncle Buck. I am so glad that we got to visit with them for a little while. Haven't seen them in a couple years. I knew Rich would like Uncle Buck.

After swimming at the city pool. Richie, Grace, Dillon and me.

Dillon (9) and Gracie (5). They love to hang out and get in trouble together.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Shaler's Biggest Dream

Shaler has always wanted green eyes. She has never been happy with the brown ones that God gave her. I think her dark brown eyes are beautiful. She does look cool in this photo with the green eye color though. (She'll be 17 in 19 days.)

Grace & Richie

Richie (8), Gracie (5), and Garfield (3)

Gracie and her favorite cat, Garfield.
(He is almost as long as she is tall.)

Sara & Cracker

Sara & Cracker Snuggling.
Sara was in a very weird mood this day. She never snuggles with anyone. I think poor Cracker felt violated!

I think Cracker is looking at me saying "Geez, not another cat that wants to snuggle me."

Sara & Cracker Snuggling.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Newest Family Member

Congratulations to Tim & Jena on their new baby girl.

Mia Starley Peters was born on May 9th at 4:41 a.m. Weighing in at 8 lbs.,7 oz. & 21" long.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Cracker on the slide

This is Cracker at the park today. She loves going down the slide.. alone!

She is the coolest dog ever!!

(I know the video is sideways.. I can't figure out how to get it to flip. I will have to take another one next time we go to the park.. SORRY!)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Cracker's 4th Birthday!

Cracker Loves Her Doggy Ice Cream!!! Oh & cuz she was the Birthday Girl, she got to sit at the table with us while we ate our Drum Stick Cones.... YUMMY